Friday, March 26, 2010

Part 2

Sorry for the late update. Let's continue, shall we.

I'n my previous post I said I'll explain how the parallel time lines are real, so I will.
Now some of you are thinking you know how, it's one of the first theories proposed on this subject, but that's not what I'm talking about. For those of you who don't know what I just alluded to I'll briefly explain. It's called Schrödinger's cat. Now this is the theory is that you take a cat and put it in a box with a unstable piece of radioactive substance. And until you look inside the box the cat is both dead and alive. This is not what I'm referring to.

What I was referring to is something called the quantum suicide theory. I will briefly summarize this so I can get to my point. You take a fully loaded gun and put it to your head, than pull the trigger. What will happen is the trigger will jam, but then at the same time the universe will split and a world will emerge where you didn't die; and the process will keep repeating. So in short every time you pull the trigger two more universes are formed; one where you die, and one where you don't.

But just to make sure we are perfectly clear, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! This theory is just that, a theory, and should not be tested.

Now what was the purpose of bringing this up? The purpose was to share a possible quantum physics explanation as to how both universes can be real.

I originally planned for this to have three parts, but I think I got the general point across. The next post will be a review of the episode "Ab Aeterno".

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reaction to Keys To LOST Podcast

I just listened to the most recent Keys To LOST podcast, and many things I disagree with. Lets get started with the basics. First their guest made a statement that Flash forwards are impossible. I need to make this clear since it seemed to be clear when it was the present story telling device; the characters themselves are not having these experiences. The creators are showing them in order to show what happens off the island in a way that it in itself will not be a season.

She also said that when Desmond turned the key the island was glitched. The island is not a computer program. They backed this up by saying the flashbacks were shown before the turning of the key and the flash forwards were shown after. First like I said before the island is not a computer program. Second, let's hypothetically say it is a computer program, there is still a hole in her theory. The flashbacks did not end with the turning of the fail safe key.

I will later post part two of this post in which I explain how the parallel time line is real.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tune in

Listen to todays podcast to hear my new theory.

Friday, March 5, 2010


If you listen to the podcast you'll already know this, but if you stumbled into the blog I'd thought I'd let you guys in on it.
I believe that one way or another the emp (electromagnetic pulse) emitted from the plutonium core of Jughead managed to reverse the polarity of the pocket of energy at the swan site. The result was catastrophic. Instead of attracting items to the pit it repelled things, and if the charge gets big enough it could theoretically produce enough force as to force the island underwater.

I understand not to many people will except this as a possible answer, but it is the most plausible thing that I can think of, (excluding Jacob did it).