Wednesday, February 3, 2010

LA X... part 1

WOW, what a freaking awesome premire! I was actually surprised on how many theories I got right. I only got two theories wrong; that Richard was a pirate and Sayid dies (or stays dead).

I just want to touch on the first scene real quick, when they showed the island under water. When I saw it last night I thought in this time line the bomb casued the island to sink, but after thinking about it that doesn't make sense. In the 50s the United States tested bombs in the North and South Pacifc, and they never sunk any islands, so how could a 30 year old core cause one to sink? I don't believe we saw the end of DHARMA just yet. They most likely caused that.

Also was Desmond ever really on the plane? We see him in the openeing scene, then he was gone.
The last time Desmond was in an alternate timeline he reconized it right away.

One of the funniest parts of the episode was when Hurley tried to handle the gun. He is the only person on the island who can't even handle a gun. I think Hurley is coming close to his death. All episode he was acting toughter and more in charge, just like Faraday before he was killed.

Probably the best line all episode was from the smoke Monster; "What are you? I'm not a what, I'm a who. You're the monster. Lets not resort to name calling". I was laughing at the point.

Finally I don't think we saw the end of Jacob.

Just some thoughts on part one of LA X. I'll be back later on part 2.

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